What’s Prezi?

Prezi.com is an online presentation application that completely changes the presentation experience for both the author and viewer.  Prezi allows the ideas in presentations to be focused in upon or out.  From point to point, the concepts presented swirl onto the screen.  The points made are so effective and visually the presentations end up being much more appealing.

While at first the creation of a presentation seems awkward, once you become acquainted with the tool bar’s concepts, Prezi is pretty easy to use. In fact it took only an hour to create this simple Prezi about Twitter.  While this Prezi created by David S. Gran from Shanghai American School is much more elaborate, you can see how effective using Prezi is in depicting the preparation of sponsoring a film festival within a school community.

preziThe menu bar is a series of round circles.  By clicking on the circle, you are then in that mode.  It’s important to understand your main points first before proceeding.  Once all your content is present, by clicking on the “Path” circle, you can create the order of your presentation.  Once you’re finished your very own “Prezi,” receives an url address for you to present online.  

This online application will totally enhance any presentation you need to give.  Give Prezi.com a shot!!