Do you have any recommendations for summer camp

Following are some great online resources for finding a summer camp:

empowercamp2Here are some options if you are staying in Mumbai or India: EmpowerCamp Activities focuses on adventure camps including paintball camps!  Adventure Hills offer all sorts of camps all over India.


For a site filled with summer camp links according to the camp of choice, go to  This is a resourceful site of camps if you have a particular one in mind–like all girls or archery or even ceramics.  They have camps designated for sports and arts and even technology!

kennedyspacecenterTo find out about NASA’s camp visit the or the Kennedy Space Center. Imagine how cool a space camp would be.  On the site, they have videos playing just to show you how cool it would.

applecampIf you know you are going to be in the States for a while, you could check out some of the free camps being offered by Apple….

And the last link is an actual online game where you get to play a virtual version of summer camp: Play Funny Camp.
