What was your favorite read this summer, 2017?
I read a book this summer that would normally not be a book I would read. It was so amazing I still can’t stop thinking about it. Ready Player On, by Ernest Cline is such a…
How do you start the beginning of the year?
Aside from welcoming the students back for their new school year, I like to start with a promotion highlighting my most favorite read: in this case Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. The first…
Where can I get book suggestions online?
One usually wants to read good books–only! Often when a book is finished, the reader wants to follow up with either a similarly good book or a book that would match in quality. Sometimes, time…
What should I read this summer?
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy leisurely reading–you have time, you’re on vacation, and you get to relax! This summer you could choose among the list below for reading. Or you could open up…
What’s Shelfari?
Shelfari is a social networker for readers! It’s awesome! By creating an account you can add the books you’ve read to your shelf. You can write comments about them. You can star them according to…
I’m looking for something different to read…any recommendations?
This book, in the 25th Anniversary Edition, definitely looks interesting. First, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy falls under two interesting genres: it’s both sci-fi and humor. The plot is quite difficult to condense. Basically, earth is…